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Page history last edited by Ki-Young Jung 1 year, 10 months ago


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Complex Morlet wavelet

% *대한뇌파연구회 집담회: 뇌파분석워크샵*
% This tutorial is published online at http://enslab.pbworks.com
% made by Ki-Young Jung, MD
% ENSLab. Neuroscience Research Institute
% Seoul National University College of Medicine
% code made based on 'Analysis neural time series data' by Mike X Cohen.

% This tutorial is made using a ERP data published in following paper.
% Cha KS, Sunwoo J-S, Byun J-I, et al.
% Working memory deficits in patients with idiopathic restless legs syndrome
% are associated with abnormal theta-band neural synchrony.
% Journal of Sleep Research. 2021;30:e13287.
% last updated May. 28 2022

understanding dot product and convolution in matlab

% make matrix
A = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]  % 2 by 3 matrix
B = [7,8; 9, 0; 1, 2]  % 3 by 2 matrix

% dot product between A and B matrix
AB_dot = A * B  % result is 2 by 2 matrix

% convolution between A row vector and B col vector
AB_conv = conv(A(1,:), B(:, 1))

% length of conv result = length A + length B - 1
A =

     1     2     3
     4     5     6

B =

     7     8
     9     0
     1     2

AB_dot =

    28    14
    79    44

AB_conv =


Part 1: analytic signal: single frequency

step 1. make complex wavelet kernel

clear all;  close all;

srate = 200;
wtime = -2:1/srate:2;
hz = linspace(0,srate/2,floor(length(wtime)/2)+1);

freq = 5; % Hz center frequency to convolve %%%
s = 6/(2*pi*freq);  % wavelet width

csine = exp(2*1i*pi*freq*wtime);  % complex sine wave
gaus = exp( -(wtime.^2) / (2*s^2) ); % gaussian kernel
cmw = csine .* gaus;  % complex morlet wavelet
cmwX = fft(cmw)/length(wtime); % fft of cmw
cmw_pow = cmwX .* conj(cmwX); % power of cmw

% plot of sine wave, gaussian kernel, cmw
figure(1), clf

subplot(131), plot(wtime, csine)
title('sine wave')
subplot(132), plot(wtime, gaus)
title('gaussian kernel')
plot(wtime, real(cmw), 'b'),
hold on
plot(wtime, imag(cmw), 'b:'),
title('complex morlet wavelet')

% plot wavelet in 3D
figure(2), clf
xlabel('Time'), ylabel('Real part'), zlabel('Imaginary part')
axis image
title('Complex Morlet wavelet in the time domain')
rotate3d on
plot(hz, cmw_pow(1:length(hz)))
% plot(hz,abs(cmwX(1:length(hz))).^2)
set(gca,'xlim',[0 freq*3])
xlabel('Frequencies (Hz)'), ylabel('Amplitude')
title('Power spectrum of Morlet wavelet')

step 2: make fake EEG data to be analyzed

srate = 200;
datatime = -5:1/srate:5;
tim1 = [ones(1,200*2) zeros(1, 200*3) ones(1,200*2) zeros(1, 200*3) 1];
tim2 = [zeros(1,200*2) ones(1, 200*3) zeros(1,200*2) ones(1, 200*3) 1];

sine1 = exp(1i*2*pi*5.*(datatime.*tim1)); % 5 Hz
sine2 = exp(1i*2*pi*12.*(datatime.*tim2)); % 12 Hz
data = sine1 + sine2;

step 3: convolution between cmw and EEG data

% set parameter
nData = length(data);
nKern = length(wtime);
nConv = nData+nKern-1;
nHfkn = floor(nKern/2+1);

% convolution in frequency domain
fft_cmw = fft(cmw, nConv);
fft_data = fft(data,nConv);
wave_conv = ifft(fft_cmw .* fft_data);
wave_conv = wave_conv(nHfkn:end-nHfkn+1);

use matlab conv function in time domain

% wave_conv = conv(cmw, data);
% wave_conv = wave_conv(nHfkn:end-nHfkn+1);

step 4: get wavelet power

wave_pow = abs(wave_conv) .^2;
wave_pow = wave_pow/max(wave_pow);

% plot the time-domain signal

figure(3), clf
plot(datatime, real(data))
xlabel('Time (s)'), ylabel('Amplitude')
title('Time-domain signal')

% the power time series at one frequency
plot(datatime, wave_pow)
set(gca, 'YLim', [-1 2])
xlabel('Time (s)'), ylabel('Amplitude')
title([ 'Time-frequency power (' num2str(freq) ' Hz)' ])

% plot multiple frequency in time domain

figure(4), clf
for freq = 1:15
s = 5 /(2*pi*freq);  % wavelet width
csine = exp(2*1i*pi*freq*wtime);  % complex sine wave
gaus = exp( -(wtime.^2) / (2*s^2) ); % gaussian kernel
cmw = csine .* gaus;  % complex morlet wavelet

fft_cmw = fft(cmw, nConv);
fft_data = fft(data,nConv);
wave_conv = ifft(fft_cmw .* fft_data);
wave_conv = wave_conv(nHfkn:end-nHfkn+1);
wave_pow = abs(wave_conv) .^2;
wave_pow = wave_pow/max(wave_pow);

subplot(3, 5, freq)
plot(datatime, wave_pow)
set(gca, 'YLim', [-1 2])
xlabel('Time (s)'), ylabel('Amplitude')
title([ 'Time-frequency power (' num2str(freq) ' Hz)' ])


part 2: analytic signal: multiple frequency

% set parameter
srate = 200;
wtime = -2:1/srate:2;

% make EEG time series
datatime = -5:1/srate:5;
tim1 = [ones(1,200*2) zeros(1, 200*3) ones(1,200*2) zeros(1, 200*3) 1];
tim2 = [zeros(1,200*2) ones(1, 200*3) zeros(1,200*2) ones(1, 200*3) 1];
sine1 = exp(1i*2*pi*5.*(datatime.*tim1)); % 5 Hz
sine2 = exp(1i*2*pi*12.*(datatime.*tim2)); % 12 Hz
data = sine1 + sine2;

% set convolution parameter
nData = length(data);
nKern = length(wtime);
nConv = nData+nKern-1;
nHfkn = floor(nKern/2+1);

% fft of signal
nFreq = 30;
freq  = linspace(1, 30, nFreq);
s     = 5 ./ (2*pi.*freq);
% s     = linspace(4,12,nFreq) ./ (2*pi.*freq);
fft_data  = fft(data,nConv);
tf    = zeros(nFreq, nData);

% convolution loop at multiple center frequency
for fi=1:nFreq

    % create Morlet wavelet
    csine   = exp(2*1i*pi*freq(fi)*wtime);
    gaus    = exp( -(wtime.^2) / (2*s(fi)^2) );
    cmw     = csine .* gaus;

    % compute FFT
    cmwX = fft(cmw,nConv);
    cmwX = cmwX./max(cmwX); %normalization

    % convolution
    conv_res = ifft( fft_data .* cmwX );

    % trim wings
    conv_res = conv_res(nHfkn:end-nHfkn+1);

    % power
    tf(fi,:) = conv_res.*conj(conv_res); % power


% fft of whole data

fft_data = fft(data);
fft_data = fft_data / nData;
fft_pow = fft_data .* conj(fft_data);
hz = linspace(0,srate/2,floor(nData/2)+1);

figure(4), clf
plot(datatime, data)
xlabel('Time (s)'), ylabel('Amplitude')
title('Time-domain signal')

plot(hz, fft_pow(1:length(hz)))
set(gca, 'XLim', [0 30], 'YLim', [0 1]*0.5)

set(gca,'clim',[0 1], 'ylim', [1 20], 'xlim', [-5 5])
xlabel('Time (s)'), ylabel('Amplitude')
title([ 'Time-frequency power (Hz) '])

% end of part 2
경고: 복소수 X 및/또는 Y 인수의 허수부는 무시됩니다. 

part 3: wavelet analysis on real EEG data

% reference: Cha KS, Sunwoo J-S, Byun J-I, et al.
% Working memory deficits in patients with idiopathic restless legs syndrome
% are associated with abnormal theta-band neural synchrony.
% Journal of Sleep Research. 2021;30:e13287.

% paper title
figure(5), clf

part 3-1: convolution method

clear all; close all;

% load data
load C24.mat
srate = EEG.srate;
data = squeeze(EEG.data(48,:,:)); % Pz channel
data1 = reshape(data,1,[]);
nData = length(data1);

% create wavelet
wavtime = -2:1/EEG.srate:2;
nFreq = 50;
frex  = linspace(1,50,nFreq);
s = linspace(4,12,nFreq) ./ (2*pi.*frex);

nKern = length(wavtime);
nConv = nData+nKern-1;
nHfkn = floor(nKern/2+1);

fft_eeg  = fft(data1,nConv);
tf    = zeros(nFreq, length(data));

for fi=1:nFreq

    % create Morlet wavelet
    csine   = exp(2*1i*pi*frex(fi)*wavtime);
    gaus    = exp( -(wavtime.^2) / (2*s(fi)^2) );
    cmw     = csine .* gaus;

    % compute FFT
    cmwX = fft(cmw,nConv);
    cmwX = cmwX./max(cmwX);

    % convolution
    conv_res = ifft( fft_eeg .* cmwX );

    % trim wings
    conv_res = conv_res(nHfkn:end-nHfkn+1);

    % reshape
    conv_res = reshape(conv_res, [], EEG.trials);

    % power
    wav_pow = conv_res.*conj(conv_res);

    % power
    tf(fi,:) = mean(wav_pow, 2);


% baseline correction of tf
base_period = [-500 -200];
baseidx = dsearchn(EEG.times', base_period');

% compute the average per signal
basePow = mean(tf(:,baseidx(1):baseidx(2)),2);

% dB-normalization
tf_db = 10*log10(tf ./ basePow);

% baseline correction of ERP
base_period = [-200 0];
base_erp = mean(data(baseidx(1):baseidx(2), :), 1);
norm_erp = data - base_erp;
erp = mean(norm_erp, 2);

% plot
figure(6), clf

plot(EEG.times, erp, 'r')
set(gca,'ylim',[-1 1.5]*3, 'xlim', [-200 800])

set(gca,'clim',[0 1]*2, 'ylim', [1 20], 'xlim', [-200 800])

% end of part 3-1

part 3-2: matlab cwt function method

clear all; close all;

% data
load C24.mat
srate = EEG.srate;
data = squeeze(EEG.data(48,:,:)); % Pz channel
data1 = reshape(data,1,[]);
nData = length(data1);

% set cwt function parameter
Ts = 1/srate; % temporal resolution
freq=[1:50]; % frequency resolution
nFreq = length(freq);
wname='cmor1-1'; % complex morlet wavelet as a basis function
Fcenter = centfrq(wname)/Ts; % set center frequency
scale = Fcenter*(1./freq);
coef=cwt(data1,scale,wname); % compute continuous wavelet transform
F = scal2frq(scale,'cmor1-1', Ts);

% get power
pow =abs(coef); % magnitude
pow = reshape(pow, [nFreq, EEG.pnts, EEG.trials]);
tf = squeeze(mean(pow, 3));

% baseline correction of tf
base_period = [-500 -200];
baseidx = dsearchn(EEG.times', base_period');

% compute the average per signal
basePow = mean(tf(:,baseidx(1):baseidx(2)),2);

% dB-normalization
tf_db = 10*log10(tf ./ basePow);

% baseline correction of ERP
base_period = [-200 0];
base_erp = mean(data(baseidx(1):baseidx(2), :), 1);
norm_erp = data - base_erp;
erp = mean(norm_erp, 2);

% plot
figure(7); clf

plot(EEG.times, erp, 'r');
set(gca,'ylim',[-1 1.5]*3, 'xlim', [-200 800])
title('EEG time series')

contourf(EEG.times, F, tf_db,40,'linecolor','none')
xlabel('Time (s)'), ylabel('Frequencies (Hz)')
set(gca,'clim',[0 1]*1, 'ylim', [1 20], 'xlim', [-200 800])
title('continuous Morlet wavelet')

% end of part 3-2

% written by Jung, Ki-Young %

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